Three Food Trends That Benefit Your Teeth

May 28, 2018
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It’s sometimes difficult to keep track of the many food and diet trends that sweep the country. From mushroom-infused coffee to turmeric drinks, it can be hard to tell what’s really good for you and what you should avoid!

For good oral health, it’s often best to stick with tried-and-true foods that we know offer advantages. Drinking milk and ensuring children get enough calcium, staying away from sugars and processed food, and avoiding sugary sodas are all reliable ways to keep your teeth, gums, and whole mouth healthy.

But are there food trends that might benefit your teeth? Let’s take a closer look!

Organic Food

In recent years, organic food (food produced using organic farming methods) has blossomed from being a fad to become a way of life for many people and families. In the U.S., organic food is now sold in almost 20,000 natural food stores and almost three-quarters of conventional grocery stores.

Organic foods are free from pesticides that are sprayed on most crops. Organic foods are richer in vitamins and minerals, and commercially-grown foods are often forced to grow quicker using fertilizers. Likewise, intensive cattle farming may deplete the calcium found in milk. Organically-reared cows, which graze on natural grass that provides them with vitamins, helps to produce calcium-rich milk. Vitamins, minerals, and calcium are good for your teeth!

Say Cheese

We know that dairy is important for bone health and helps supplement our needed calcium intake for strong teeth. According to a study in General Dentistry, cheese may also be a good way to keep cavities away!

The published study investigated pH levels in participants and found that those who ate cheese (chewing on the cheese for a few minutes and then swishing the mouth with water) had higher levels of pH than other groups! Higher levels of pH have been shown to help lower the risk of tooth erosion and the development of cavities.


We all have live microorganisms, known as friendly bacteria or probiotics, in our stomach. These probiotics help to slow, delay or stop the infection process, including the process that can lead to oral disease. Studies have shown that a number of overall health benefits can be achieved by increasing our probiotic intake but also that it reduces gum bleeding and the formation of dental plaque.

Probiotics are naturally occurring in the body, but there are ways also to supplement your intake. Yogurts, cultured cottage cheese, sauerkraut, and even kombucha fermented tea (another food trend!) can help increase or sustain the level of probiotics in the system!

So, as you hear about new food trends, know some current ones can help benefit your teeth! If you’re due for a checkup and cleaning, contact us! We’re here to help keep your smile as healthy and beautiful as possible.

North Boulder Dental
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