How to Keep Your Teeth Pearly White Over the Holiday Season

November 10, 2016
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Perhaps you’ve worked all year to keep your teeth white or you have treated yourself to professional whitening at our office. With the holidays approaching, how are you going to keep your teeth looking their best and join in with all the good cheer?! It’s not as difficult as you may think but will need determination on your part to keep those pearly whites beautiful!

Holiday Habits

Don’t allow the holiday season to break all the great oral hygiene habits you’ve developed! The single most important thing you can do to keep your smile stunning is to brush, brush, and then brush a bit more. At minimum, brush twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening before bed. Be sure to also keep up with regular flossing to keep your teeth and gums in great shape and your breath fresh.

Remember to Rinse

If you can’t easily brush after a holiday meal at the office, discretely rinse out your mouth with clean water to help dislodge any food or rinse any drink. Regular rinsing is a great habit and works well year-round to wash away the effects of a red wine and will keep your teeth bright!

Skip the Sweets

pile-of-candy-canesThis is a tough one and where that determination comes in! The holiday season seems to be full of candy, sugary drinks, cakes and cookies – so many tempting treats that you should try to avoid! Sticky candy and foods can make the challenge of keeping your teeth clean even harder. If possible, choose a naturally sweet dessert like fresh fruit, which is high in water content and will help clean your teeth and gums. Need a pick-me-up? How about a peppermint! A small peppermint or a few drops of peppermint oil in your water on occasion will help kill germs and fight bad breath!

Foods on the Naughty List

If you’re serious about keeping your teeth white over the holidays, there are certain foods and drinks that you need to avoid. Coffee, dark tea, ­red wine, and fruit juices are powerful stain liquids that can discolor your white teeth, even after just a few sips! You should try to avoid these dark-colored drinks, year round, in order to keep your teeth looking their best. If this feels unavoidable, drink out of a straw (to avoid the liquid touching your teeth) and rinse right away!

Other holiday culprits to steer clear of include cranberry sauce, dark chocolate, and tomato sauce. All have the ability to stain your lovely smile and, in the case of tomatoes, have acidity that offers no holiday cheer.

Foods on the Nice List

16104323941_06e214a353_bThankfully, there are alternatives to allow you to enjoy the festive season while protecting your teeth! Water will be your best friend during feasts and gathering during the holidays and all year round. White wine and white chocolate don’t have the same dark agents as their alternatives and are a good option. Load up on general portions of crunchy, high-fiber vegetables such as broccoli or carrots, which increase saliva production to keep your mouth naturally rinsed! Nuts are another good choice as they are abrasive and can help rub off any plaque build-up while you join in on the fun.

While it may seem tough, it’s definitely possible to keep your beautiful smile white, clean, and sparkling throughout the holiday season! Interested in getting your teeth professionally whitened or wanting to gift this special treat to someone you care about? Contact us! We are here for you year-round to help you look and feel great!

North Boulder Dental
1001 North St
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7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM