Plenty of reasons exist where you need to choose dentures, or another dental solution, to replace missing teeth. Dentures tend to be made relatively quickly to achieve results faster and are fabricated from less expensive materials, so they are cheaper.
While there may be reasons to select dentures to improve your smile, here are a few reasons we would recommend you avoid buying dentures based on a low cost.
Improper Fitting Dentures
Unfortunately, dentures that are inexpensive tend to not fit properly. Just like natural teeth, dentures need to be well fitted to ensure correct chewing. Quality dentures undergo a precise fitting process, so they correctly match each individual’s mouth and gums, feel good in the mouth, and avoid the embarrassment of slipping. Correctly fitted dentures deliver good placement, ease of chewing, and no visible sign of the presence of dentures when speaking.
Unnatural Looking Dentures
While it’s a great benefit to replace missing teeth, going with low-cost dentures often results in teeth that don’t look as good as they could. Because low-cost dentures tend only to offer dentures that are pre-assembled, there is no chance for the teeth or gums to complement other teeth in the mouth, better match skin tone, or customize them in any way. Low-cost dentures are often made of acrylic, which comes in a single color of plastic that doesn’t mimic natural teeth or gum tissue.
Short-Term Solution
Generally speaking, dentures will last about 5-10 years, with less expensive dentures on the shorter end of the scale. While convenient, it’s important to consider that dentures can cause longer-term problems, which may make the lower cost upfront seem like not such a good bargain. Over time, dentures tend to compress tissues and can lead to loss of bone, gum tissue, and cause the cheeks to sink inward. While other teeth replacement options cost more upfront, these options can help to regain or restore bone, maintain the natural shape of the face, and provide teeth that last for decades.
North Boulder Dental Group are experts in providing you with options to replace missing teeth. Contact us or make an appointment to explore the best selection for you!