We may say it every year about this time, but where did the summer go?! The hot weeks are starting to fade as kids and parents around town are gearing back up with back-to-school activities. As you pull together school supply lists, lunchbox and snack ideas, and schedule sport physical exams, let’s work together to get the back-to-school dental checkup booked!
Routine dental exams are an important way to maintain a healthy smile now and for years to come. We’re sure you know that scheduling a dental check-up right before kids are headed back to school is a great start for the year, avoids having to take your child out of class, and gives you peace of mind that they’re in good shape for the coming school year. Together, we can join forces to ensure the kids benefit from all the reasons that back-to-school dental checkups are so important!
Prevent Tooth Decay
As much as you worked to steer them away from sugary snacks, soda, and sweets this summer, there’s a chance that some goodies infiltrated! A regular dental check-up will spot any signs of tooth decay early, so these simple sugars don’t have the opportunity to create an environment where bacteria wants to grow.
Stealthy Snacks
If you have trouble getting the kids to eat well, let us help! We can reinforce what you’ve been stressing to them and coach your child about the importance of eating healthy snacks like apples, celery, and carrots. Cheese and yogurts are also good options as they are full of calcium and protein to strengthen the teeth. Together we can keep them on the right track for good nutrition and healthy teeth.
Sporting Smiles
Is your child going to try out for a sport or physical activity this year? Bring them in and we can talk about a fitted mouth guard during the dental checkup! A custom-fitted mouth guard will safeguard their teeth, jaw, and mouth during their favorite sport and you’ll feel good knowing they’re protected.
Seal It With A…Sealant
While you’ve been working hard to get your child to brush twice each day and floss regularly we also know (as parents ourselves) that this can be thankless, but a critical, task! For long-term dental health and strong teeth, we’re here to work with you to help your child develop these good habits. During a back-to-school dental checkup, we can apply quick and painless dental sealants to create a barrier on the back premolars and molars to shield teeth from plaque for extra protection!
Like you, we want your child to have a great school year. Let’s unite to ensure they’re off to a successful start and get them scheduled for their back-to-school dental checkup. We’re here to provide them a thorough checkup and cleaning, plus a new toothbrush for that new backpack!